Puzzmo Blog

Changes to how we handle older games

Saman Bemel Benrud Orta Therox
games changelog sunset
Changes to how we handle older games

Games changelog, August 2024

Games changelog, August 2024

What is it like to construct Puzzmo Cross|words?

Madison Greenstein
What is it like to construct Puzzmo Cross|words?

From Groups to Clubs

Orta Therox
From Groups to Clubs

Hints v2: Moving from a time penalty to a cooldown period

Brooke Husic
crossword changelog
Hints v2: Moving from a time penalty to a cooldown period

Augmenting Puzzmo: Making weird possible

Orta Therox
tech api systems leaderboards
Augmenting Puzzmo: Making weird possible

Using Shiki Syntax Highlighting in Hugo

Orta Therox
tech blog shiki
Using Shiki Syntax Highlighting in Hugo

Typing Schema-first GraphQL Resolvers in TypeScript

Orta Therox
tech api graphql redwood
Typing Schema-first GraphQL Resolvers in TypeScript

Making a shopify shop with per-user discounts

Orta Therox
tech api shopify graphql
Making a shopify shop with per-user discounts

The new theme editor

Orta Therox
The new theme editor